10 definitions by turkey boy

Akin to halfcaf coffee, and just as you would likely expect, halfcore is half of what hardcore is. Only a fraction of the dedication.
I was playing a game the other night, but I was busy reading online comics at the time, so I was only grinding halfcore.
by turkey boy March 8, 2009
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A greater degree of being hardcore.
"Man, that guy isn't just hardcore, he's MADCORE!"
by turkey boy March 31, 2005
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Someone who meets two requirements. Firstly, being exceedingly attractive, and secondly being exceedingly cool. Someone who is a hotsicle, typically has lots of friends who admire him/her (or alternately are envious of him/her). Any guy or girl in a relationship with a hotsicle tends towards being very lucky in the short term, but runs a risk of being extremely unlucky in the long term, as hotsicles also generally are not the brightest people around, and lack key principles where relationships are concerned.
Guy 1: Man... Did you just see that girl that walked past us? I'd hit that in a new york minute.

Guy 2: Are you kidding? I agree she's a hotsicle, but you know what they say about those...
by turkey boy January 30, 2008
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A lesser grade of 1337. To be 1335 is to be "less" than 1337, but still more 1337 than the average person.
"|)|_||)3, j00 0|\|1Y Q|_|41!fY f0R 1335 $747|_|$!"

Translation: "Dude, you only qualify for 1335 status!"
by turkey boy April 6, 2005
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Overreacting, or being overly dramatic, to the point where a small event becomes the equivalent size of Homer's Illead. Making a big deal over something that probably shouldn't have even been a problem at all in the first place.
Girl: Oh. My. Gawd. You should have heard her! She told me that my hair was frizzy! That bitch won't get away with it. You'll see. I'm going to get my revenge, and here's how I'll do it...

Guy: Alright, calm down. Seriously, you're illeacting right now. Take a deep breath and let it go.
by turkey boy January 30, 2008
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When you are depressed, but angry, you can be said to be angray. Synonym: melancholy
Guy 1: Yesterday I was trying to see my girl, but she told me she was gonna be busy with her study partner, who's another guy of course. I was so angry, but at the same time depressed 'cause I couldn't see her.
Guy 2: Dude... Sounds like you had a serious case of angray.
by turkey boy November 14, 2008
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An apple, being spherical and smooth, is one of the least sharp objects one could find. The phrase "sharp as an apple" therefore means that the subject is slow mentally. An idiot. It can also be used in a self-deprecating manner whenever someone comments on your failures, though typically it helps if you don't actually believe you are.
Guy 1: Hey man, what do you think would happen if I stuck my hand in this blender and turned it on?
Guy 2: You really are sharp as an apple, you know that?
by turkey boy February 28, 2008
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