3 definitions by ttheblueberrymuffinman

A furpile is when multiple furries pile on top of each other, most likely in fursuits. Furpiles are usually found randomly around conventions, mainly just for fun.
"When I saw how big the furpile was, I decided to join them."
by ttheblueberrymuffinman July 16, 2018
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Be Back In A Bit. BBIAB has a similar meaning to BRB. Mostly used when talking online, and you need to do or check something.
"I've got to put the trash out, BBIAB."
by ttheblueberrymuffinman July 16, 2018
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Parent Over Shoulder. Used when you're talking to somebody online about a personal topic, and a parent decides to check up on what you're doing. When the person on the other side of the screen sees this message, they should stop what they're talking about and start a pretend/different topic.
by ttheblueberrymuffinman July 14, 2018
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