2 definitions by truthspeaksworlds

Located in the middle of nowhere. You will find some of the world's dumbest people here. Violence is rampant around campus, STDs, blue waffles, generally disgusting girls, people without manners. Dumb Americans, Ugly Americans. If you are a European be careful of the Americans, they can be dangerous, approach with caution. Stay away from the women here, they are violent, uneducated and frankly belong in a zoo.
As you can see from a distance, there goes the Ugly American in his natural habitat: Salisbury University. Look at the way he harasses and threatens his roommates. Typical behavior. He/she then proceeds to indulge himself with booze. How gratifying.

A: Hey is that a Salisbury University girl in that exhibit? B: Throw her peanuts she'll enjoy them! C: No flash photos, you'll make her violently burp!
by truthspeaksworlds January 9, 2019
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When Trump says that illegal immigration is bringing criminals, he might be right to some extent, but look no further than higher education. You will find an array of criminals here whether they are female or male. Do not be fooled by the females, they are just as bad as the males. This institution might have some good people, but I have met some of the most horrific people I have encountered in my entire life here. I have been assaulted, robbed, and threatened. Think wisely of the people you live with here and the people you befriend. Because there are some mean people here, that are power hungry, money hungry and do not have any regard for other human life. Although, there are some good people. They exist, but the bad people are the ones that come out the most.
Salisbury University:
Watch out, keep your eyes peeled because your roommate might be your worst nightmare. Be careful what social groups you go into.

Eyes peeled.
by truthspeaksworlds January 9, 2019
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