2 definitions by treacle

(adjective) 1. A person who is commonly recognized as "nuts", "loopy", or "kind of crazy", but in a non-harmful and usually silly way. 2. A person frequently engaging in conversational topics that are somewhat surreal and slightly inappropriate, or making bizarre non-sequiteur topic changes that generally induce awkward laughter from others where everyone quickly glances at one another with a slightly uncertain and questioning look, essentially asking: "That was a little odd, did you think so too?". The answer of course is, "yes". 3. A person who can be described as a little "touched" (by the hand of God), but is still high-functioning socially.
"Well before she went into rehab, Brittany was always a little whakadoodle."
by treacle December 12, 2007
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rickity tickity dobby otherwise known as someone who thinks they're cool and rickity tickity, someone like this also normally has buffalo like features, also they will come across girls like bella who are out of this world on a cool level.
in summary if you come across a rickity tickity dobby run.
by treacle April 28, 2018
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