2 definitions by travelingSTAGEHAND

The most craptastic multi use performance space in the world... second only to the cafegymnatorium... When you see a gymnatorium you know your day will suck.
Hey, lets go see a show in juniors gymnatorium tonight... the show from last year might still be echo'ing around in there.
by travelingSTAGEHAND February 25, 2010
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bastard cousin of the gymnatorium, the cafetorium is also a craptastic preformance space, often having 'that-food-service-smell'. Preshow activities include folding up and rolling the lunch tables into the corner...
Hey lets go see a show in the cafetorium, we can be entertained and eat square pizza at the same time.
by travelingSTAGEHAND March 7, 2010
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