1 definition by trailerlicious.com

The delicious people, places and culture of the Trailer Park! The big question is, "Are you Trailerlicious?" Well, if you've ever:

Lived in trailer...
Lived in a trailer park...
Partied in a trailer...
Had sex in a trailer...
Made a baby in a trailer...
Had a baby in a trailer...
Helped put underpinning on a trailer...
Had sex with a stripper in your roommates bed...
Thrown a beer can at a trailer...
Sang David Alan Coe at karaoke...
Been to a State Fair...

This could go on for a while, so let's simplify...We're all a little Trailerlicious. Just embrace it and move on!
"That girl over there in the rebel flag bikini with the Bud Light and a gravy belly shore is Trailerlicious. I think I saw her on the pole last night!"
by trailerlicious.com January 8, 2010
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