88 definitions by tradical

It is a political-philosophical thought based on organic social formation. It is a population group that shares a common history, customs, interests, language, myths and traditions. In general, they have a common social organization, and above all, they are aware of belonging to this social community. It is a transcendental, metaphysical and spiritual bond. At the same time, it is aimed at the holistic development of each individual (suum cuique), aristocratic.

It is against the Modern State and the Liberal Bourgeois State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Rationalism, Individualism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution, Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, gay rights, affirmative actions, human-rights, drugs, greed, pornography, Globalism, Statism, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion.

In its initial stage, it is authoritarian and centralizing to re-establish traditional culture and spiritual order. In the economy, the concept of class struggle in labor relations is dissolved. Cartels are dismantled, but not small and medium-sized private property, which comes from work.

It is aristocratic, organic, subsidiary, and decentralist.
"Do not confuse National Traditionalism with Modern Nationalism : chauvinist, romantic and idealistic."
by tradical April 18, 2023
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It is a political-philosophical thought based on organic social formation. It is a population group that shares a common history, customs, interests, language, myths and traditions. In general, they have a common social organization, and above all, they are aware of belonging to this social community. It is a transcendental, metaphysical and spiritual bond. At the same time, it is aimed at the holistic development of each individual, according to his potential gift (aristocratic).

It is against the Modern State and the Liberal Bourgeois State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Rationalism, Individualism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution, Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, gay rights, affirmative actions, human-rights, drugs, greed, pornography, Globalism, Statism, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion.

It is aristocratic, anti-liberal, anti-democratic, corporatist, organic, holistic, culturally and politically decentralist (except in subversive cases), militarily anti-belligerent (except in cases of external threat), economically organic and spiritual (spiritual unity).
"Do not confuse National Traditionalism with Modern Nationalism : chauvinist, romantic and idealistic."
by tradical March 31, 2023
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From the Greek prefix ἀρετή (perfect adaptation, excellence, virtue ) + ἄρχή (sovereign, ruler, authority). It is a sovereign leader possessing the highest honor, distinction, excellence and position within an organic society. He holds the main attributes of a mythical ruler: honor, virtue, courage, temperance, authority, wisdom and transcendence. It has a lifetime title, however, not hereditary.

It is against the Modern State and the Liberal Bourgeois State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, Egalitarianism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.
"Aretarch is a metaphysical type of leader, where the sovereign embodies a spiritual power and possesses honor, courage, wisdom and virtue. It is the mythologem of the ruler of a people."
by tradical May 27, 2023
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From the Greek prefix ἀρετή (perfect adaptation, excellence, virtue ) + ἄρχή (sovereign, ruler, authority). It is a sovereign leader possessing the highest honor, distinction, excellence and position within an organic society. He holds the main attributes of a mythical ruler: honor, virtue, courage, temperance, authority, wisdom and transcendence. It has a lifetime title, however, not hereditary.

It is against the Modern State and the Liberal Bourgeois State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, Egalitarianism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.
"Aretarch is a metaphysical type of leader, where the sovereign embodies a spiritual power and possesses honor, courage, wisdom and virtue. It is the mythologem of the ruler of a people."
by tradical May 27, 2023
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One that opposes the prevailing status quo and the decline of modern society. Similar to Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of übermensch, it is able to give itself a higher transcendental internal law.

It is against the Modern State and the Bourgeois Liberal State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution, Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.
.The anarcho-aristoi is truly a superior metaphysical type of man, heroic, intellectual and, above all, spiritually noble.
by tradical September 7, 2022
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It is a political-philosophical and spiritual thought based on the unity of peoples with a common origin for the preservation of their respective cultures, identities, customs and traditions, without losing their freedoms.

Unlike the Modern State and Liberal Nationalism, where the bourgeoisie aimed at centralizing power to optimize its economic and material interests, its purpose is to maintain the territorial integrity, unity and preservation of nations; however, above all, to maintain the spiritual bond between peoples. Its leader is a sovereign aristocrat, symbol of union, who, respecting local freedoms, only intervenes in subversive cases, such as: secessionism, political-social subversion, usury, criminality, acculturation, regional animosity and foreign invasion.
Do not confuse Traditional Empire with Imperialism: while the former defends its territory to avoid its disintegration; the second aims to conquer and dominate other peoples.
by tradical April 21, 2023
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Someone who does not accept the status quo, aiming for an organic state without the current bourgeois evils:
democracy, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, communism, fascism, nationalism, populism, progressivism, feminism, globalization, market technology, racism, left-right wing dichotomy, economism, organized religions, ecumenism, materialism, gay rights, statism, republicanism, atheism, human rights, totalitarianism, consumerism, humanism, modernism, abortion, international financial system and technocracy.
The nonconformist-aristocrat wants at all costs to prevent the decline of the world.
by tradical July 9, 2022
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