1 definition by toodleloo

1. Biscuitdoughjones is a hatchetface skank who has a nose like a pig. Biscuitdoughjones lives in Memphis. Biscuitdoughjones is an unemployed, untalented "makeup artist" who never works and has nothing better to do than sit and type on gossip blogs all day long. Biscuitdoughjones never went to college because she was too stupid and barely graduated from high school. Biscuitdoughjones' last name is BACON, for which she was mercilessly mocked as a child, teenager, and adult. It doesn't help that she has the round, chubby face and porcine features of a third-prize winning hog, either. Biscuitdoughjones sounds like a trailer trash hillbilly when she speaks. Biscuitdoughjones has a big black moustache that she shaves every week. Biscuitdoughjones is a slut when possible, but it's gotten harder for her since the weight gain.

2. Pock-marked midget

3. looks like Lily Taylor's ugly older sister
Person 1 - "I heard that Biscuitdoughjones has been committed three times and that she has to take five different pills every day just to stand being her."

Person 2 - "Well damn, can you blame her? I mean, look at her."

Person 3 - "I heard she has warts on her cooter."

Person 1 - "Hahaha..yeah."
by toodleloo May 9, 2008
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