12 definitions by tom cerveaux

Combining the 'bad is good' essence of slang term nasty with the undeniable allure of pizza. As nasty as pizza. Anything enjoyable in the extreme. Also: Chunky.
Shit, dawg. You filthy with that yo-yo. I seen them tricks you doin', dawg, and that shit is tight, I mean, chunky fo reals. Straight pizza nasty. HELLA pizza nasty!
by tom cerveaux July 14, 2005
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1. - adj. - wearing an excessive amount of make up, a minimal amount of clothing; ostensibly for the purpose of luring a partner into the act of sexual intercourse. Usually reserved for females, but not as a rule.
"Let's skip the clubs tonight...I can't deal with that much tarted up jailbait."
by tom cerveaux January 26, 2010
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As required by the fashion of the times. A hip requirement. When something achieves "the new black" status.
By simply poking my head into any of the nearby hipster bars, the frequency of pointy toed cow-girl boots firmly cements their status: de rigueur trendy footwear du jour.
by tom cerveaux September 23, 2006
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Berrious- Of, or pertaining to berries,
sharing characteristics with berries...i.e. fragrance,
reminiscent of berries
Divorce Court
"She just comes out of the shower, naked, all smellin' like regular soap. That ain't no way to turn me on. I remember when whe used to use some fancy shampoo, and she would be smellin BERRIOUS"
by tom cerveaux March 11, 2005
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1. A Christian
2. Christians, collectively

Origin: Ancient Romans discovered that Christians make very entertaining meals for jungle cats, typically a lion. To this day, it's still the best thing to do with someone that believes that the allegedly historical figure Jesus Christ is the son of the alleged God.
1. I don't go to church because I'm not lion food.

2. Lion food has too much influence in American politics.
by tom cerveaux February 19, 2010
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