2 definitions by titty tickler of the seven sea

The arousing act of carefully popping the cap of a wine bottle off using your partner's throbbing anus, and then proceeding to fill the potentially bloodied anus with the distilled beverage. Usually between two men, but can be performed between any two sexes, (provided both have an experienced, prolapse-able anus of divine integrity.)
This one time, me and my buddy Keith performed a Lindenhurst Liquor Lid Tipper on each other, and my buddy Keith, like, I did it wrong, and the whole damn bottle exploded in his ass! I swear man, it was like, beating off to one man, one jar all over again! His glassy ass was bleeding for weeks!
by titty tickler of the seven sea September 14, 2017
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The act of inserting an entire disco ball plugged into a wall into your partner's anus. To complete this sexually enticing piss, the inserter must then urinate all over the disco ball to create an effect that shimmers and shines.
Yeah, I gave that four year old one hell of a San Francisco Sparkling Disco yesterday. That'll teach her not to where that sexy looking skirt!
by titty tickler of the seven sea September 14, 2017
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