3 definitions by tiny turtle tinker 135

A beautiful girl, she is very secretive but will open up to you if she trusts you. She is kind and smart but doesn't show it. She is deadly smart and if you get on her bad side you better watch out. But when you are friends with her she is kind and funny. She sticks wi her friends until the end. She hides a lot of herself inside and only tells her most trusted friends. She could be depressed but you would never know it. She has beautiful eyes, the kind that you don't notice right away but when you do you can't take your eyes off them. She is beautiful on the inside and if you can get her don't let her go. She is an amazing athlete and loves exploring the outdoors. She feels at home in the woods.
Ella is so awesome, I wish she would like me back.
by tiny turtle tinker 135 June 29, 2017
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dude: Look I caught a fish! ITS A SALMON!!! COOL
other dude: Me too, only it's just a ryan martin
dude: aw i'm sorry about your bad catch
by tiny turtle tinker 135 June 29, 2017
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An amazing family name, full of funny and kind people. They live all over the U.S.A. they have beautiful eyes and kind faces.
by tiny turtle tinker 135 June 29, 2017
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