1 definition by therealtreysongz

Ashley, also known as Ash, is the kindest girl to ever grace the world with her presence. She lights up every room she walks into, instantly brightening the moods of others with her infectious smile and bubbly sociable personality. She can be classy, she can put the ‘sex’ in sexy, and she can be adorable all at the same time. Ashley cares about everybody and will put her friends or even strangers needs before her own, often inspiring the best in others, leading them to passing on the kindness throughout their daily lives.

Although sometimes lacking confidence, she knows how to take charge of a situation and lead others towards one objective.

Ashley is the most beautiful girl in the world, but to call that her greatest strength would be to diminish all the other amazing traits she has.

Ashley is the definition of love, a magical seemingly unreal feeling of warmth that makes you want to grab onto her and hold on tightly.

She knows how to buckle down and be productive, she knows how to be the life of the party, and she knows how to bring out the best in others.

Meeting Ashley is like winning the lottery, because out of the 7 billion people on the earth, nobody is worth knowing more than her.

If you’re lucky enough to get an Ashley in your life, treat her like the treasure she is, always. You’ll get back what you put into her and more, she will always exceed your expectations and be there for you when you need her the most.

I love you, Ash.
Often times after encountering an Ashley, men think “Wow, I will never not think about her.”
by therealtreysongz July 24, 2018
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