2 definitions by thehatecampaign

Laurely is the person that comes into your life and never leaves it. She makes every day, even the worse, worth living. She will support you in every decision you make and will love you with all her heart and soul. She’s the definition of an unconditional lover and if you’re lucky enough to be loved by a Laurely, you will never once in your life lack love, support or affection. Laurely is as gorgeous as a goddess and hearing her laugh will brighten even the darkest day.
I’m the luckiest to have Laurely in my life !
by thehatecampaign November 23, 2021
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Laurely is the person that comes into your life and never leaves it. She makes every day, even the worse, worth living. She will support you in every decision you make and will love you with all her heart and soul. She’s the definition of an unconditional lover and if you’re lucky enough to be loved by a Laurely, you will never once in your life lack love, support or affection. Laurely is as gorgeous as a goddess and hearing her laugh will brighten even the saddest day.
I’m so lucky to have a Laurely in my life!
by thehatecampaign November 22, 2021
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