1 definition by thegirlwholovesgame

I you have a friend named Selin, never ever loose her. You cannot find a friend like her. So better keep her close to you!
Selin is the most adorable, lovely, sweet, charming, thoughtful person you'll meet. She doesn't like to be complimented but her appearance is not that bad actually. She is so shy but when you get to know her better, she will be more open-hearted.

She always supports you no matter what you do but if you are her enemy I suggest you to leave immediately.

She has some anger issues but she is the nicest person in the world.

She likes to help other people. Most of the girls jealous of her, guys want to be her friend or boyfriend.

She loves gaming, reading, dark humor and loves roasting people. If you are not her friend, you will probably be offended. But don't worry if she roast you so hard, she loves you or hates so much *be careful* lmao.
X- Selin and her friends are SO COOL!
Y-I am so jelly of Selin tho. I can't be her or her friend. She is so unique.
F-You can't be her friend because Selin doesn't like bitchy girls.
by thegirlwholovesgame April 13, 2020
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