1 definition by thefitnessgramp4certest

Alamo Heights is a region of San Antonio. It's known for it's classiness and wealth, and has been known by other districts as a slang of "Alamo Whites", based on the large population of white people who go to this district.

Look guys, I know. Alamo Heights is such a wealthy district, and overall snobs. As a member of it, I can say from experience there are plenty of spoiled and snobby kids who go to that school. Granted, every school has those few kids. Anyways, my point is some people who go there aren't all rich, spoiled kids. I have many friends there and I can say for a fact we are not all the stereotype you think we are. :D
I live in Alamo Heights.
by thefitnessgramp4certest September 18, 2020
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