2 definitions by theannoymouskid

An 'indie wannabee' is someone who wants to be 'indie' In most cases, these people were chavs before, going around getting off with every single lad in school and the all of a sudden, just to fit in with everything else, they claim to be 'indie'
These wannabee's try way too hard. The whole indie look is supposed to be laid back and not put on at all, whereas these wannabee's try way hard with their matching pumps, cardigans and highwaisted shit. Honestly, they need to get back into their 'ecko tracksuits' and stop trying to be indie.
Many 'wannabee indie kids' from the Coventry area, also known as Chaventry, claim to like The Enemy, a local indie rock band. Just because they like The Enemy, this apparently makes the all indie cindys. No, it doesn't. They need to be told.
"You wannabee indie cindys, please fuck off back to your street corner smoking your roll ups and drinking your wkd. You are not indie and never will be, no matter how hard you try, alright!?"
Dee: "I'm a right indie cindy, I am."
Elle: "You're chav turned indie wannabee, actually. You try too hard!"
Dee: Nawww shat ap I iz well indie I iz!"
by theannoymouskid August 8, 2008
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A Chemo is a mix between an Emo and a Chav. In some cases, they take fashion from each scene and mix it up. So, the skinny jeans and black eye makeup, dressed with gold chains and a pair of nike airs.
Sofie: I used to be and emo, I used to be a chav. Now I'm chemo.
by theannoymouskid August 8, 2008
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