2 definitions by the_inexperienced_guy

The mystical substance from which Nokia 3310 phones are made.

- It is indestructible and does not react with anything on impact.
- When Nokium was studied with an atomic force microscope, it was found that the molecules themselves are also made of nokium.
It is theorized that this continues recursively down to the Planck length scale.
Despite all this, the substance is less dense than most metals.
- Anything made of Nokium will also damage the floor/wall if thrown or dropped.
This happens because Nokium has logarithmic gain of inertia.
- The act of Yeeting a Nokia 3310 has been considered a WMD.
The massive and inhumane damage it causes is indescribable and banned by the Geneva Convention.
- Irradiating Nokium with positrons may result in the metamorphosis of the substance into a Decepticon.
The reaction has only been captured on film once.

Recycling nokium from old cell phones was eventually found to be unviable, and
the only known source of Nokium ran out somewhere in 2011.
This later cost Microsoft 5.44 billion euros because nobody dared to tell them this fact.
It is rumored that some trace amounts of unprocessed Nokium have been found after 2011.
I drove my car over it, and it still works. It must be made from Nokium.
by the_inexperienced_guy September 5, 2023
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"very away from here", is similiar to "away from keyboard".
It means that youre doing and thinking something else than your buddy, but your buddy is still chatting to you. It's a irritating situation, because your buddy has NO IDEA what you are doing and he is interrupting you too frequently.

Saying VAFH tells you buddy (or audience) that you don't want to be interrupted any more. If you say something, your buddy should answer very shortly and be then quiet until you say something again.
Buddy's perspective, correct responce to VAFH is to put the chat on background and keep it there.

Other ways; saying VAFH effectively swaps your and your buddy's roles. You become the buddy that interrupts.

Used in IRC-speech by single person, so seeing VAFH is very very rare and used by very (at time of creation of this definition only user was me) few people.
buddy: {Wall of chatting}
you: hey, I'm buzy.
buddy: {Wall of chatting}
you: *grumbles voice* VAFH
{buddy stops chatting}

{1 hour later:}
you: pheff!! I'm done here!
you: ok, so what was that all about?
buddy: umm..
buddy: {Wall of chatting}
you: oh, god. lol. :D
buddy: not funny.. :(
by the_inexperienced_guy August 15, 2011
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