5 definitions by the_fucking_legend.

Abbreviation for Certified. May be used to describe something positively.
dawg that sandwich was cert
by the_fucking_legend. June 13, 2022
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a made up word that replaces the word "sex" because its pronounced the same.
P1: yo dude i just had cecks
P2: you dumb bitch its sex no cecks
by the_fucking_legend. November 2, 2020
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Magical green substance that commonly grows on dirt. When you touch it, it gives you bitches.
how about you go outside and touch some fucking Grass
by the_fucking_legend. May 13, 2022
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otherwise known as MAP, it's a seemingly less worse way to say a disgusting fucking pedophile
person on twitter: im a minor attracted person, not a pedo
other person on twitter: no you stupid fucking bitch your a 40 year old pedophile who wants to date children. go get a fucking life you piece of fuck i hate all pedophiles
by the_fucking_legend. January 5, 2021
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An internet phrase originating from "Obsidian", a Guitar Hero chart by Exilelord, in a section called "Message to blue" where all the notes in the section, when turned 90 degrees will spell out "HIT MOAR NOTES".

This is commonly used as a bullshit response when someone asks how to do something on internet forums.
Person 1: How do I unlock the bonus area?
by the_fucking_legend. October 28, 2020
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