2 definitions by theCArainman

The act of buying and subsequently wearing a leather jacket in an effort to look tough, cool, virile, or otherwise appealing. A Fonzie Scheme is usually run by someone who in fact is NOT any of these things. The name derives from the name of Arthur Fonzarelli, star of the sitcom "Happy Days," who is the epitome of leather-jacket-wearing cool guys.
Did you see that Tim, the shy guy from IT, is wearing a leather jacket today? That dude is totally trying to pull a Fonzie Scheme and score chicks.
by theCArainman January 19, 2015
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The trend in fashion where style-obsessed men & women take great pleasure in wearing rain boots, rain coats, etc. Especially popular in Southern California, where the rarity of rain meets the vanity of superficial people, rain couture is best embodied in the excitement people display before rain because they get to wear their overly-expensive coat for once.
(Can also be spelled "rain coature")
"Oooh! The forecast calls for rain tomorrow! Finally, I get to wear my cute boots and coat! I love rain couture!"
by theCArainman December 1, 2014
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