1 definition by the2000skid

Someone who is obsessed with Hawai'i/Local Hawaiian Culture/Polynesian Culture/Pokémon Sun & Moon, etc. and attempts to act as if they were a Native Hawaiian or a local, even though they're very far from it. They do a horrible attempt at speaking Hawaiian Pidgin, but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding cringeworthy. You can find some of these haoles hanging out in lūʻaus, trying to hit on Japanese female tourists, or crowding up the beach at Waikīkī.

Portmanteau of 'Aloha' and 'Weeaboo'
I told that alohaboo over there that the cost of living in Honolulu is very expensive, and that Hawai'i is not paradise . She flipped the bird at me and proceeded to cuss me out in Hawaiian Pidgin.
by the2000skid July 12, 2020
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