32 definitions by the modhatter

Sealioning is a term used to identify trolls who request citations when citations weren't necessary. It is akin to the meme of a child asking "Why?" after everything you say -- not even because they want to know, but as a bad faith way of faking interest while actually just trying to exhaust another person.

For example, "Sealioning" itself has been Sealioned with bad faith "definitions" attempting to change the meaning of the word to benefit online trolls.
Person 1: The sun rises in the east.
Person 2: Can you provide a link to your claims?
Person 1: Don't be sealioning me, you can look it up yourself!
by the modhatter January 5, 2023
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Akin to playing Devil's Advocate, but worse. Whereas, on occasion, someone playing Devil's Advocate can actually help someone sharpen arguments and make them better, Sealioning amounts to the meme of the little kid replying to every answer with, "Why?" The Sealion has NO interest in hearing any other side, OR of making substantial arguments of its own side. A Sealion will often make empirically ridiculous arguments in the hopes of getting blocked online, which they incorrectly define as "owning" the person who blocked them. In fact, on social media, if you check the Sealion's replies, they're often cut-and-paste replies, frequently 100% unrelated to the topic. The sole purpose is to suppress the free speech of actual people who might thwart the success of disinformation campaigns.
"Did that fan of Killer Kyle Rittenhouse actually repeat that old 'I bet you didn't even watch the trial' propaganda?"
"Of course. So I had to remind him that yes, in fact, I did watch the trial, and Killer Kyle never denied murdering those people. He admitted that the person who assaulted those peaceful protesters was him. He admitted that they used their Stand Your Ground rights to defend themselves against his threats. He admitted that he shot at them --"
"Why do you even bother? They're clearly just Sealioning you."
"Of course -- which is a form of bullying, and letting bullies get away with bullying leaves people with the impression that the bullies were actually right, and we can't let that happen.
by the modhatter April 15, 2023
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Trolling, which trolls call "Trying to engage in a controversial yet civil debate and requesting evidence from someone who refuses to provide such evidence to back up their claims." In short, sealioning is a form of censorship, in which case the trolls aim to exhaust free speech -- and if people block the toxic trolls, said trolls will just open up new accounts in the hope of making people be silent.

Used to accurately describe trolls who "request evidence" of things that any SINCERE person could just Google themselves, if they SINCERELY wanted to know anything. But this is simply not their true intent. They have been trained to exhaust any actual civil debate by popping up like a loud sea lion to frustrate and annoy people into not talking about things which offend said sealions.

"Sealioning" as a term is used to point out trolls' dishonesty by putting the blame where it belongs, on the one troll who tries to shout down SINCERE conversations by calling their trolling "debate."
Troll A : Can you give me a link to a study or article that validates your claim ?
Person A : Do you really need a study that validates my statement that water is wet? This sealioning is appallingly pathetic.
Person B : I have touched water, and it is indeed wet.
Troll A : Prove it !
Every rational person: Why do you feel it necessary to spend so much of your life sealioning? All you're doing is proving that no amount of "evidence" can sway you.
by the modhatter June 3, 2023
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Sealioning is a term used to describe the actions of villains who demand "citations" for things that are prima facie true, in an attempt to harass and silence facts that give them cognitive dissonance.

As you can see on this very page of definitions, conservatives will even Sealion the term "Sealioning," because it diminishes their capacity to use this fascist tactic.
Person 1: An orange is an orange.
Troll 1: Can you provide a link to your claims?
Troll 2: Yeah, if you can't provide a link to prove that an orange is an orange, we own the libs once again!
Person 2: Don't worry, they're just Sealioning you. They're either bots, or just morons.
by the modhatter May 10, 2023
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A type of trolling in which someone repeatedly asks bad-faith questions, in an effort to get the truth silenced online.
As you will see, trolls specifically hate the term "Sealioning," and will reply to it with... SEALIONING!
"Why doesn't that troll just Google it himself?"
"That's the point of Sealioning -- to make you so tired that you leave conversations and allow another platform to become Truth Social."
by the modhatter June 6, 2022
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Related to the term "Sealioning," which is bad-faith trolling in the form of asking a series of insincere question that anyone ACTUALLY interested in the topic already know for a fact, or can search for online themselves.
In this case, "Prelioning" is when a person posts something highly subjective as if it is fact, and when people ask what the subjective opinion is based on (because some people do have different criteria for forming subjective opinions), the original person will just keep replying "look it up yourself."
Someone posting in good faith is happy to give examples -- which in fact they usually do in the Original Post. Anyone suggesting that "facts" not in evidence are nevertheless true on their face is gaslighting.
Reply 1: "You keep talking about Bernie Sanders' accomplishments. I know his record, and I don't consider PLCAA, naming post offices, and dumping waste in Sierra Blanca to be accomplishments -- so, honestly, what has Bernie done that you consider accomplishments?"
Reply 2: "Don't bother. He's doing this Prelioning as part of a grand clout-chasing scheme."
by the modhatter August 25, 2022
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In 2016, when Russia and Republicans couldn't rig the Democrat Primary for Putin's Plan B, Bernie Sanders, professional loser Jill Stein offered Bernie Sanders her Green Party slot on the ballot. Other Berniecrats who have embraced the Putinist include Nina Turner, and various Squad members who say they support the Green New Deal, yet support Russian oligarchs and their Climate Changing petroleum. By taking China's side against TPP and pollution, these Bernie Bros revealed themselves once again to be Blue MAGA -- until indictments confirmed that they were never True Blue Democrats at all. Hence they became known as the Green Tea Party, or simply Green MAGA.

In more recent times, the Berniecrats' support of Putin and Trump resulted in the reversal of Roe V Wade, and AOC was among the first to adopt the Green garb of a cult group being run by Bob Akavian, using people's anger at Republicans' desire to rape and control women into a grift to take money AWAY from pro-choice groups.
"Why did AOC try to protest Nancy Pelosi over Green legislation that Pelosi has actually been an active proponent of for years?"
"What else would you expect from Green MAGA???"
by the modhatter July 19, 2022
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