15 definitions by the Toad

Any number of social web sites where people post and rate the naked photos of others and themselves.

Usually for the implied purpose of dating, but just as often the cheep thrill of exhibitionism. Also to compare physical anatomy, posturing, and photographic expertise. Often material supplied by cell phone device, in the form of video, bedroom and or wash room setting. Most participants will use about as much digression as the modesty one might derive from posing behind a tennis racket.
Shiela; Damn girl, you don’t have to flash your tits to get guys to ask you out, just put a picture on assbook.com!!!
by the Toad January 18, 2011
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When a person with a public voice makes a vocabulary blunder. Usually creating a whole new word, ie; "misunderestimate". Then after being called on the mis-speech, they claim to be right, or "selfjustified".
Ms P; I don't want to unelaborate on this topic, but truthyness is a big overatism.

Reporter; Boy, just listen to all that Palineism!
by the Toad January 3, 2011
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This generally means sex after a long day or length of time with someone.
In Resident Evil 4, Ashley asked Leon if he wanted some "overtime."
by the Toad January 20, 2007
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Gobs of frozen road slush that build up under a car and finally fall off, onto the street or parking area.
Mom; Junior, your roadcicles are laying all over the drive, will you clean them off?

Junior; Mom, that sounds like work! Can't we just wait till they thaw? Ouch! Hey, quit smacking me, I'm going...
by the Toad December 18, 2010
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Usually, a self described person, who ideates solutions to puzzles.

One who creates written mysteries for others to enjoy or solve, such as mystery writers.

The person who is constantly quizzing those assembled with mostly unanswerable problems of little import.
Reuben; So, what's the probability that a giant Godzilla like egg is at the bottom of this pond, and when this rock lands on it the thing will crack open and hatch out to trash the town over there?

Shire; Beats me, probably the same odds that you would have if the pond would suddenly freeze over and the rock would bounce back and brain you in the head.

Giles; So what makes you think you are a couple of mysteryologists? The only question I can see is that you both seem to have beat the odds and not been removed from the gene pool, by now!
by the Toad October 2, 2010
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Pulling a Minnie Mouse; An unlikely girl who is sleeping with the best trash.
Usually when there is a perfectly good man waiting at home.
Chap: Dude, is that your wife hanging with that scuzzy dog.

Ole Man: Yeah, I'm gunna divorce her, know any good lawyers?

Chap: Divorce? What'd she do pull a Minnie Mouse?

Ole Man: No shit! She's fucking Goofey!
by the Toad September 19, 2010
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This is a question which applies to a real backwoods family situation. Not just a matter of supremacy anymore, but which of these males did your mama do the nasty with when you were procreated?
Ester; Ya'll dun wish you cud hav sum o dis?

Lem; Wull shu, dat wuld real sp'eechal, s'ept I'd hav tu ast, "who's yer pappy?" cuz we mought well be bruth'r an sis.

Ester; Shiet, that's eaaasy, thet salesman dun hit the road wif a v'ngence when Grandad ketched em wit my maw. Ain not gots tu wury, thur's his nuts stil cling'n tu a nail!
by the Toad March 7, 2011
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