8 definitions by thatguywhoplaysrobloxandisadum

The gambler equinox weapon of Balanced Craftwars Overhaul. As I am typing this it is not currently released
I love the gambler class, Playing Cards: Royal Flush is so awesome.
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origin that is very rare, the origin of it is still unknown
wow you have The Origin??? 😱😱😱😱
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A weapon in Balanced Craftwars Overhaul, a game on roblox. One of the best weapons
"eq slicer shreds every enemy in the game, equinox slicer is truly the weapons of all time"
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Arbitration is the mythical in the stronghold with a chance of 1/1500. It is in the game called Balanced Craftwars Overhaul which can be found on Roblox.
OMG! He got arbitration!!! He's so cool now.
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Arbitration is a mythical 1/1500 obtained in the stronghold of BCWO. (Balanced Craftwars Overhaul) Which is based on craftwars. These games can be found on roblox.
"bro he just got arbitration why is so lucky!!"
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Arbitration is the mythical in the stronghold with a chance of 1/1500. It is in the game called Balanced Craftwars Overhaul which can be found on Roblox.
OMG! He got arbitration!!! He's so cool now.
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