1 definition by thatbish4567

Johanna- okay how do I explain this? Are you looking for a friend who’s dumb in the best way possible? One who’s ode funny and will make you laugh 24/7? One who is extremely kind? One who you can just rant to about your feelings? I would like to proudly say- That, my friends, is a JOHANNA.
You should really find someone named Johanna to be your girlfriend or your best friend. She may be hard to understand at first, but once you get to know her, there’s so much more to her world. If someone is being an a**hole, she will beat them up 🤬👊 mess with her, she’ll tell you off straight up 👏👏 don’t mess with a Johanna EVER. If you have a problem with a Johanna then you’ve got some serious issues because there’s so much that you’ll be missing out on, PERIODT.
Friend: My bf broke up with me through text 😭😭😭
Johanna: Aw I’m so sorry
Friend: Like, who does that!!!
Friend: I’m so lucky to have a Johanna as a bestie 💕
by thatbish4567 October 14, 2019
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