2 definitions by tesei28_que_gira

It's a very used Italian expression which means god is a shit. For example “che male dio merda/What a pain! God shit“ or “mi si è rotto il telefono dio merda/My phone just broke!God shit”
che male dio merda/What a pain! God shit

“mi si è rotto il telefono dio merda/My phone just broke!God shit”
by tesei28_que_gira November 4, 2020
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It's a very used Italian expression when you're angry,trists, chalks, amusement. Often used inziples to madonna puttana
dio stronzo,What the fuck are you doing?
dio stronzo, ma che cazzo fai?
you're really an asshole,dio stronzo e la madonna puttana
ma sei proprio un coglione dio stronzo e la madonna puttana
by tesei28_que_gira November 5, 2020
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