76 definitions by tenacious faulker

The sores one gets at the corners of the mouth from the sharp plastice edge wrapping when sucking the ice in of an Otter Pop.
Girl: Ugh! What's the matter with your mouth? Is that Herpes or something?

Guy: Uh...no?! It's Otter Pop sores! I swear!!
by tenacious faulker July 19, 2009
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A colorful term used in place of "everywhere", "all around", "all over" or "a plethora"; i.e. a lot.
I went fishing yesterday and nailled bass left and right.

Last night there were hotties in the club left and right.

I was in a highway pile up and was hit left and right.

We had a picnic on the beach and the seagulls were swarming us left and right.
by tenacious faulker August 20, 2009
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In Tagalog, the main dialect in the Philippines, means dude or bro; a very close friend.

Pronounced: PAR'day.

For women it's marde. Similar pronunciation
Yo, parde! What's up?
by tenacious faulker July 19, 2009
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1) (v.) To act crazy, outlandish, outrageous, stupid or retarded.

2) (adj.) Of or having the quality or flavor of the Beastie Boys lyrics, humor, or style (i.e. having sarcastic or biting humor, a flippant attitude, use of obscure cultural references, quoting or wearing kitschy and outlandish phrases or styles).
Yo, dawg, dem lyrics is Beastie, yo!

Derek got all beastie and saved his head like MCA.

Qwame gets all beastie when he drinks Brass Monkey 'cuz he gets retarded and up peoples faces.
by tenacious faulker March 30, 2009
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1) When a particularly hairy man has pubic hair growing in a large patch above his ass crack.

2) How the entire world will remember the 43rd president of the United States.
1) Borat and Ron Jeremy are so hairy they sport ass bushes on camera.

2) In the year 2125:
Teacher -- Class, which president is responible for turning the USA into a 3rd world nation?
Student -- The younger George Bush?
Teacher: What's is proper name as it appears in your text book?
Student: Oh yeah. Ass Bush!
by tenacious faulker January 19, 2009
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1) Doing what society expects of you; being a proper ciizen; acting properly. Using socially acceptable behavior. Another way to say "walk the straight and narrow path"; being a "proper"citizen; straight laced.

2) The alternate name for "Troublemaker", by Weezer, by dumbasses because they only really listen to the chorus.
"Troublemaker" Exerpt, 2nd verse:

I'm growin' out my hair,

I'm movin' up to Cherokee,

I'm gonna be a rockstar,

And you will go ta bed with me,

'Cause I can't work a job,

Like any other slob,

Punchin' in and punchin' out
and suckin-up to "Bob".

Marryin' a bi-otch,

Havin' seven ki-ods,

Givin' up and growin' old,

And hopin' there's a God.

I'm a troublemaker,

Never been a faker.

Doin' things my own way

And never givin' up

I'm a troublemaker,

Not a doubletaker.

I don't have the patience to keep it on the up.
by tenacious faulker June 25, 2009
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From an ill advised Newsweek cover from the on the Sept. 24th, 2012 issue for featuring of picture (two angry muslim men), the subject (free-speech), and the title (Muslim Rage). Newsweek's overdramatisization of this article cuased the hashtag to be hi-jacked with humorous comments by muslims on Twitter with caption-like comments followed by the phrase "MuslimRage" on Twitter.
Woman in Burqa: "I'm having such a good hair day. No one even knows. #Muslim Rage".

"Lost your kid named Jihad at the airport. Can't yell for him. #MuslimRage".

"Head & Shoulders still hasn't made a beard conditioner. #MuslimRage".

"Memo to those few violent MidEast protesters, this is how you fight Islamophobia. You make fun of it.

by tenacious faulker September 19, 2012
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