3 definitions by teh goon

A gender that describes an Asexual/Aroace person (they dont want to be in relationships) that only wants a relationship cause they are jealous and want to fit in.
Kyle: "Did you hear, Stan? Wendy is Asexual but likes you!" Stan: "What the fuck? You have to be bullshitting Kyle! That isn't possible!" Angry Joe: "It means they're Jelacesexual! Don't you boys already know?"
by teh goon April 22, 2023
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Person 1: "Yo Dave! Let's go find some Street Profits downtown!" Dave: "Holy shit the WWE tag team? no way!" Person 1: "Nah bro. Go see the definition on urban dictionary teh goon wrote."
by teh goon April 29, 2023
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When someone has an sneeze and an orgasm at the same time.
"Hey Becky! Last night he gave me a sneegasm!" "What the fuck is that?" "I sneezed and orgasmed at the same time!" "Holy shit penny, that must've felt like heaven."
by teh goon April 29, 2023
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