1 definition by tactical infamy

Translates into "Fat Ass Lips". A F.A.L is typically a short and stubby filipino man/women who likes to eat family sized Kettle brand chips preferably salt and cracked pepper all by him/herself. F.A.L also likes to drink a lot of Arizona peace tea. They drink about 2-3 gallons a day. They are also video game addicts and have no friends. They are typically douche bags. He/she tends to have abnormally large lips.

Also if you are starting to eat a lot of chips or you are starting to drink a lot or eat a lot of something you must say "No F.A.L" or else you will soon become a F.A.L too.
Ewwwww look at F.A.L with his huge lips!!!!!!!!

(eats a lot of chips) No F.A.L!!!!!
by tactical infamy June 12, 2010
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