1 definition by t678

the first and (so far) worst decade of the 21st century. From really bad events like the election of George Bush to 9/11 to Iraq War to bad economy. The decade of overly commercialized junk from music to clothes, where an iPod that costs 20 dollars to make is sold for ten times the price and jeans with holes in them cost more than a week’s worth of minimum wage. The decade that MTV went from a good music video channel to a utter promoter of degenerating shit culture of hop hip and reality TV shows, which lead to stupid white kids dressing up and acting like "gangstas" and trying to sing like bad singers like snoop dog and soulja boy. The decade where Nickelodeon stopped airing classy channels like Kenan and Kel and Rockos Modern Life to airing retarded shows like iCarly, Spongebob, and TruJackson. The decade of Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus and other slut culture Disney promotes. The decade were Tiger Wood's affairs are more important than the War in Afghanistan, especially when the president sent another surge of troops. The decade of very few good films where everything else is a bad remake, adaptation, sequel, parody, or super hero. Politics turned into a total joke. Kids are glued to their computers and PS3s or Xbox 360s while the swings and slides in the park rust day after day. The decade of ugly tight jeans and tight sweaters.
The 2000s suck so much the the 1970s seem like a better decade.
by t678 December 26, 2009
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