2 definitions by swegchild Iran

An Athletic person who is determined to do anything. Passes a lot of rude and cheeky jokes, loves his close friends dearly and can do anything for them
nothing can beat his love for cars. A hardworking person with a boring personality. Has way too many complaints

and passionate towards fitness. And is secretly proud/fond of their profession
First person: Cyres purchased another car this month

Second person: that’s his fifth car in a month
by swegchild Iran November 23, 2021
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Cyres a person willing to do anything for his homie’s and near ones. Secretly loves his occupation. fond or cars

Cyres is a person who passes insensitive and mean jokes. A fitnesses freak
Cyres works in silence and let’s his success make a noise.
Friend 1: cyres brought another car this month
Friend 2: yes it’s his fifth car this month
by swegchild Iran November 23, 2021
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