1 definition by sweetnbulbasaur

Half hipster, half hype-beast. They're the worst parts of each group, but think they're above both.

She uses daddy's credit card to buy the latest pair of Yeezy's, and is currently wearing them with a $200 silk skirt and oversized hoodie from Goodwill. He wears a Dickies jacket with any pair of Air Max/Air Forces (as long as they're all white). Wouldn't be caught dead shopping at an Urban Outfitters but just did a sponsored post for them. Probably has a second instagram account just for film photos.

Wears Nike high-socks go well with a pair of loafers. Would under no circumstances consume dairy products, but might have a breakdown in public if their Juul dies.
Why is that girl wearing kitten heels with track pants?

Oh, she's a Hypster.

He used to listen to Bon Iver type shit, but now he only bumps old school hip-hop.
by sweetnbulbasaur August 12, 2019
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