1 definition by sweater_weather

Lance is one of the most adorable, hilarious guys you’ve ever met. He has many “friends”, though is only close with a few. He has a sweet baby face, with dark, curly hair. He is tall and fairly skinny, though working on those gains. You probably have a crush on him, and are too scared to tell him. The way he talks to you may come off as mean, but deep down he enjoys hanging out with you. That’s what you hope, at least. The more you get to know him, the more apparent it becomes that you are helplessly in love with him. You feel stupid because you don’t know him well enough to truly “love” him, he’s just so hard to resist. With each passing day you start to realize he will never reciprocate these feelings. If he knew you liked him, he wouldn’t care. Or worse, he’d say “ewwww”. This makes you sad, but doesn’t keep you from thinking about him. You dwell on the fact that you two are not even friends. You understand that he does not care about you enough to even say “hi” when you pass in the halls. At this point you are not concerned about being in a relationship with him, you are just longing to be in a friendship. You don’t need to be best friends, you just wish he would acknowledge that you exist. You still love him though. Because he is a Lance. If you find one, never let go.
“damn, i wish Lance cared about me

“he does, he just doesn’t know how to show it”
by sweater_weather September 25, 2019
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