60 definitions by sux0r

A term highly used in the late 1980s and early 1990s during the crack-boom to describe an individual selling or in possession of crack rocks. Remnants of its lingo are still evident in hip-hop lyrics, etc.
"Yo. Hello. I be dat 'nigga'. 'Dey call me 'da Rock Slinga, cuz' I sell dat crack to all da bling-blingas."
by sux0r August 12, 2003
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A term highly used in the late 1980s and early 1990s during the crack-boom to describe an individual selling or in possession of crack rocks. Remnants of its lingo are still evident in today's hip-hop lyrics, underdeveloped urban populous, etc.
"I sling da' rocks. Den' da' bitches be on my cock(s)."
by sux0r August 12, 2003
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Orcish for "Yes"


by sux0r August 12, 2003
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An article of clothing and/or attire belonging to Old Navy.
1) I'm rocking a puce Navy hoody I spent a couple of ducats on. These threads is mad white.

2) If you have to take the time to point out the word "Navy" being used in a seaworthy fashion, you should be capped.
by sux0r April 16, 2007
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Very (fucking) annoying add that appears on the top of your screen while using Urbandictionary.com
"Friends don't let friends drive drunk!"

"I'll smack you!"

"Stupid Idiot!"

"Shut Up!"
by sux0r September 8, 2003
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A contagious, often fatal epidemic disease which lolwtfpwnd a third of the world's population. The bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, transmitted from person to person or by the bite of fleas from an infected host, especially a rat, and characterized by chills, fever, vomiting, bloody semen, diarrhea, and the formation of buboes.
Me: I have the bubonic plague. My lymph nodes R hurt.
Onlooker: You are lolwtfpwnd.
by sux0r April 30, 2006
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