1 definition by sudenhim


An Ann-Marie sets the bar for intellect, competence and refined sexual energy that drives men to risk everything just to impress her. At work, an Ann-Marie is routinely found touring the facility and picking up slack or doing some other important job that requires her to be fast and thorough and sharp as a tack. She is smart but not a smart girl.

An Ann-Marie knows she is beautiful (often described online as an 1011) and that with only a little effort, she can bring any man to his knees. Sometimes she does that just for fun, but more often she prefers to be the one on her knees. In fact, an Ann-Marie will discuss politics, the economy, or philosophy in great depth but she really likes rocket science. She is a rocket that likes everything about astrophysics and if you are one of the few guys lucky enough to have an Ann-Marie and your very own missile, she will talk all about its strength and thrust and tell you she wants to ride on it or hold it or give it an affectionate kiss. About the time that you try to bring up the point that it is seriously impossible to ride on a rocket or put it in your mouth, she makes you forget how to count backwards to blastoff from 10.
Joe: Hey Steve, how did a smart guy like you get such a hot girlfriend?

Steve: Seriously! I can’t tell whether I like her hot body or her firm grasp of astrophysics better. She is such an Ann-Marie.

Joe: I’d give anything to find an Ann-Marie
by sudenhim February 13, 2013
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