87 definitions by stuart fletcher

<v> British Slang;

1) To shit.

--> The term derives from the phrase "I must have a crap" in that 'Must have a' rhymes with 'Mustafa,' and hence, sounds like a name of Arabic origin. Chat with the Arabs came from this similarity.

--> Although this phrase may offend some people, offence is without just cause, as the phrase plays on a name in the same way that 'Hugh Jass' plays on a Scottish name.
STEPHEN: "I'm gonna go have a Chat with the Arabs, I've been dying to go all day."
DAVID: "Nice..."
by stuart fletcher November 15, 2004
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1) Rubber that has been scorched into the road due to the heat caused by friction from someone's tyres when either they brake too hard or have accelerated too quickly from a stopping position and caused a 'burnout.'
2) Stains left on underwear due to poor anal hygiene which indeed resemble the tyre-marks scorched into the road.
1) "Whoa dude, look at that skidmark in the road! Someone must've had to brake to avoid that ominous pool of blood next to that body there."
2) MOTHER: "David, if I find another skidmark in your underpants when I come to wash them, I'm gonna come up there and wash your arse myself you little shit!"
by stuart fletcher January 12, 2005
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<noun> Slang

1) A process which involves bleaching the area surrounding your anus to look the same shade of skin colour as the rest of your body so it looks as clean as possible.

==> Vanessa Feltz is credited with coining the term in an article she wrote about the procedure.
"That porn star is getting her bottom bleached so men won't know that she actually uses her arse for other things than getting spanked and fucked by 9 inch cocks."
by stuart fletcher February 14, 2005
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<noun> Slang;

Used in reference to the paving slabs in the street resembling tiles that one may find in their kitchen or bathroom.
SINGLE 20+ FEMALE BANK CASHIER: "What are you doing tonight?"
SINGLE 20+ FEMALE BANK CASHIER 2: "I thought we could have a night on the tiles tonight."
SINGLE 20+ FEMALE BANK CASHIER: "Yeah, I could do with getting drunk, woo go Friday!" <raises arms to reveal angel wings>
by stuart fletcher January 19, 2005
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A commonly-held view about a particular group of people e.g. a nation, social group, religion etc... Often incorrect and/or offensive.
Some common stereotypes:

+ Americans are all loud, fat and obnoxious.

+ British people are all snobs and have bad teeth.

+ French people are all frog-eating, onion-lovers called Pierre.

+ Jews are all money-grabbing masterminds trying to take over the world.

+ Irish people are all alcoholics who love scoffing potatoes and beating up their peers.

+ Muslims are all out to kill "civilised people" by blowing themselves up by plane, bus or train.

+ Goths are morbid, suicidal and listen to shitty bands with names like "Anal Cunt."

+ Emo kids all cry and write love poems sitting under trees in the rain, letting their mascara and eyeliner drip down their faces so everyone knows that their face was wet.

+ Chavs are all loud, anti-social thugs who all live on council estates, wear fake burberry, baseball caps, steal scooters and cars and anything else they can get away with.
by stuart fletcher October 17, 2005
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1) Of clothing; Close fitting to the point of discomfort.
2) Of anything in general; Almost too small to fit something through.
3) Slang; Stylish
4) Slang; Not very generous
5) British slang; Mean or cruel (see also: Shady)
1) "Christ, these jeans are way too tight."
2) "It was a tight squeeze, but I managed to get my car through his window."
3) "Man, that shit is TIGHT!"
4) "She is such a tight bitch with her money."
5) "Danny, stop kicking that rabbit, it's well tight."
by stuart fletcher January 13, 2005
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1) <noun> A name for any thick, sticky substance that has no particular identity.

2) <verb> Slang; To gunge; To ejaculate.
1) "I've got gunge all over my boot from walking in that marsh."

2) "I gunged on your face."
by stuart fletcher February 17, 2005
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