1 definition by stick03

n. explosive diarrhea, a common side effect of food sensitivity consumption such as dairy, gluten, such as beer shits

v. the act of "Blowing It Out Yo Ass"

Defined from the rapper Ludacris's single "Blow It Out" released in 2003 from the album "Chicken N Beer".

A common code phase to friends and family explaining sudden departure to the nearest toilet. Easily texted reason for being late. Often shorten to luda.
"Every time I'm dying in the bathroom with explosive diarrhea, I'm humming Ludacris's "Blow It Out Ya Ass!" for moral support."

"Hey guys, go on without me. I gotta...ludacris. ludacris."

"Where are you?"
"Oh, good luck"

"I'm going to be about 10 mins late. Ludacris"
by stick03 January 20, 2013
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