38 definitions by stainless67

Someone like Donald Trump who you will talk mad shit about them over social media and the TV, then when you see them in the flesh you completely remain silent because he will win that fight.
Ron to Zack: There's that punk ass Cody, what a cuck. (Ron then comes within 5 feet of Cody and pretends he doesn't exist). Zack to Ron: wow dude you just made Cody look like Vladimir Putin.
by stainless67 February 25, 2022
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A scholarship whereby the applicant victimizes themselves into getting admitted into an IVY-league college.
After getting rejected by every UC school in the state, mike pulled a David Hogg by saying his house was almost destroyed by the Woolsey fires and later emotionally blackmailed all oil companies for climate change and was able to get into USC!
by stainless67 November 26, 2022
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Let's watch Saturday night live, they do a great job at harassing anyone who doesn't conform to progressive ideas!
by stainless67 April 5, 2022
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If Amber Heard were a state, it would California.
Mentally ill people, far left communists, drug addicts, homeless, broke but yet somehow has a surplus. Always on fire, riots every time a minority gets killed by the police. Oh did I mention all the celebrities live here....yep were in California!
by stainless67 August 30, 2022
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1.) very misunderstood group of individuals
2.) The true political party of America
3.) polar opposite is the Independent party
4.) Not heartless individuals we just have a "can do" attitude and we are not here to "save the world".
5.) instead of outright banning things, we realize vices are not going anywhere and we are just going regulate how they are used.
6.) not right or left and not the republican party.

In short, todays libertarian party desire is for an America that is not plagued by social issues. such as gun control, gender identity, rent control, income equality, substance abuse, government over reach such as pandemic response, and closing the national parks during a government shut down. Specific government agencies we would like to see dismantled are the ATF, DEA and FEMA. We believe that the states should have more local authority and should have more resources so the federal government will not unless absolutely necessary have to step in.

Many people feel libertarians want chaos when simply that is not the case. We wont completely dismantle the government and social programs we just don't want the needs of the very few to complicate society.
Democrat: I want people to be able to have abortions
Republican: I want abortions to illegal
Libertarian: how bout, it's none of our business who gets an abortion, and we should leave roe vs wade alone and be on our way. This is necessary ignorance!

Democrat: I want gay marriage legal
Republican: No god will hate us all
Libertarian: how about, we will give same-sex marriages equal rights we will just call it something else?
by stainless67 March 11, 2022
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Iam white and I've been called this. Just saying
Dave Chappell frequently uses the word nigger in all his skits yet is immune to cancel culture. I think I will watch some Dave Chappell tonight as he is very tasteful with the word nigger.
by stainless67 March 15, 2022
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