54 definitions by speedog

Noun: a manner of shaking hands peculiar to ancient Rome, in which the parties grasp each others right wrist.
"The Roman handshake was the accepted practice of greeting among gentlemen in the Western world from the beginning of the 1st century BC until the end of the 5th century AD."
by speedog April 30, 2010
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Noun (physics terminology): the natural sequential relation between any cause and its subsequent effect in the known universe, in which any effect is invariably preceded by the cause of that effect, and never the reverse.
"Newton's Third Law of Motion is essentially a confirmation of the principle of causality."
by speedog April 30, 2010
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Noun: an automobile or other motor vehicle, particularly (but not exclusively) one with the capability for high road speed.
"We'll use my getgone later to drive over to Jen's house."
by speedog September 6, 2009
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Noun: code name for the planned invasion of Great Britain by Nazi Germany in 1940 (German trans: "Unternehmen Seelöwe"); plan defeated by British forces on land, sea and air.
After Goering's Luftwaffe failed to achieve air superiority over Britain, Hitler was forced to cancel Operation Sea Lion.
by speedog June 23, 2010
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Noun (naval terminology): the universally supreme naval rank, awarded historically only to one seaman (Christopher Columbus) jointly by HRM Ferdinand and HRM Isabella of Spain, in recognition of his achievement in successfully navigating the Atlantic Ocean westward and (presumed at the time) the discovery of a shorter, less hazardous, and less expensive trading route to India from Europe.
"Upon his return from his first voyage to America, Christopher Columbus received the rank and title of "Admiral of the Ocean Sea" from Ferdinand and Isabella,
which rank he holds in perpetuity."
by speedog May 2, 2010
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Phrase: the motto of the Los Angeles Police Department.
'Displayed prominently on all LAPD vehicles is the phrase: To Protect and To Serve".
by speedog May 3, 2010
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Noun: an ostensibly sanctimonious female whose personal sexual behavior contrasts with her moralistic pretensions.
“Karen is such a godly whore; she rags on the rest of the cheerleading squad, but she laid most of the football team.”
by speedog November 14, 2009
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