1 definition by special kay;

A town full located in Westchester County, New York. It is generally full of people who own a bunch of useless items, and drive around in expensive over-sized cars they don't know how to drive. The kids are usually in their own cliques, most of them being Jewish or Italian, wearing clothes that are way over prized ( such as Juicy.) I mean, you could by the same sweat pants are Target but they dont have a cute little "J" printed on them. The kids there usually go to some decent college, spend all of mommy and daddy's money, and never succeed in living a normal fun life because they are all rich and snobby. The mom's are stupid, the dad's are bald and make over six figures, and the pets are small and yippy.
"Oh yeah, look at that girl. She has a J on her pants. She is getting in a huge expensive car, that she wrecked but daddy got fixed. She MUST be from that small, clueless town Armonk."
by special kay; April 26, 2009
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