1 definition by sophia.pcm.2021

A girl with low self esteem even though she's beautiful, smart even though she thinks she is dumb, and going to do great things even if she is scared. Super tall, she is thic but doesn't know what that means, she can be super sassy at times, and her friendliness is often misinterpreted as flirting. She is by definition a dork, very loyal to friends and would fight with and for them till the end. She is smart and wants to be loved by one of those knock-you-on-your-ass, withstand-the-test-of-time, grow-old-together kind of romances, yes she likes romcoms. Life hasn't been easy for her and she gets hurt, even though she may want to, she never gives up. The kind of girl that makes snorting when she laughs cute. She doesn't like the same things others do but she knows that's okay. Only ever attracts the wrong guys when she is young and never knows when one likes her until he practically yells it at her, but when she likes a guy he is the only one.
Classmate (trying to ask her out)- "Damn Sophia, you do know your thicc right?"
Sophia (thinking he called her thick in the head)-"Excuse me, but I have above a 4.0 GPA and am in the top twenty in my class!"
*Walks off thinking she told him off and later walks up to friends*
Sophia- "Hey guys, thic means stupid right?"
Friends- "NO SOPHIA!"

Yes this was an actual situation that happened after one of my classes my sophomore year of high school. I'm extremely embarrassed and now know what thic and many other words mean. He later asked me out again in reality being a complete dork set up by friends, and we ended up dating throughout high school and getting engaged.
by sophia.pcm.2021 June 2, 2020
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