10 definitions by someotherkid2021

A group of detractors of a person, typically originating from Twitter, who typically verbally insults and attempts to convince others that the person they are "canceling" is a terrible person.

It typically begins when one or more persons speak out and accuse a person, typically popular, of terrible things (ex. pedophilia, domestic abuse, harassment, etc.). They usually produce a lack of evidence or screenshots/videos, and/or evidence that is out of context.

Once this information is released, those that believe the accuser immediately believe the person accused has done everything and will begin publically posting or sharing the original accusation to spread the information even more.

Cancel culture usually continues until the accused releases a reply that disproves the accusations or apologized for what they have done. Afterward, most of the culture will change sides, forgive the accused, or refuse to watch the accused's proof and continue harassing them.

Cancel culture typically makes memes or image edits of the accused and usually calls them a "clown" and uses clown emojis. Cancel culture over time has been more and more distrusted due to several instances of false accusations and sometimes they are ignored.

Popular victims of cancel culture (even if the accused actually did the actions) include ProJared, Ano ASMR, JnJ Memes (Bush), Onision, etc.
The cancel culture has been very dedicated when Onision was accused of being a groomer and other accusations. It only became worse when Onision uploaded a series of fake meltdowns, especially after his Patreon was deleted after he Doxxed someone.
by someotherkid2021 February 27, 2020
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An infamous internet rule that no one seems to accept. For anything on the internet that exists, someone, somewhere, somehow will find a way to sexualize that. It can go from video game characters to cartoon characters to animals to popular persons to non-human living things to non-living objects or things.
"Dude, they already made Rule 34 of Cuphead."
"Aw fuck."
by someotherkid2021 December 6, 2017
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A woman who flirts with a man, even if the man does not want her or cares. Men consider thots generally annoying. Could be a female version of fuckboy.
That thot tried to get me to like them for the 5th time, and I really am sick of it.
by someotherkid2021 October 10, 2017
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