1 definition by smegmalover420

yort is for all things. yort is simultaneously nothing and everything. you are yort...your mom is so yort...we. are. yort. it’s the most versatile word in the history of words. like cmon man, yort. y-o-r-t. it just rolls of the tongue so nicely. yort. yort yort. i’m surprised it’s not in webster’s dictionary already!! ALL the kids are saying yort :D deuces, yort!!
person a: “god...i’m so tired. i could kill for a yort right now :/“

person b: “my stupid whore girlfriend is being SUCH a yort. ugh”

person c: “omg aiden!! your song is soooo yort! i lauv it :)”
by smegmalover420 August 15, 2020
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