1 definition by sljdasdkskdjksjklkaskds

A store that is clearly a target for criticism and conformistnonconformist remarks. Its clothing is expensive but is of good quality, and the clothing at abercrombie is not identical to like brands. For example, the marjority of abercrombie's clothes are muscle fit, meaning someone muscular or someone tall and skinny like myself can get an XL shirt that is not excessively wide like its counterpart at American Eagle. Though the clothing style may be preppy you do not need to be a prep to wear it, just as you do not need to be a goth/punk to wear hot topic -they're just clothes you wrap around your naked body. As for the remarks that kids shopping here spend their parent's money, yes you're right KIDS generally do not buy their own clothing, ADULTS do.

To each his/her own, wear the clothing style and brands that best suit you and leave the rest alone.
Hey, look! It's a store called abercrombie which just so happens to be a store. It isn't more or less respectable than any other store!
by sljdasdkskdjksjklkaskds December 22, 2005
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