1 definition by sincerely, ruthie pwns

a turkey of the rare tofu species, found only in remote regions of nepal. each tofurkey was born merely as a slab of tofu. only 1 in 500 will sprout feet at age 2, and subsequently gain other turkish characteristics. each tofurkey has but one goal in life, and that is to be approved by the TNAOVFTWNOA (tofurkey national association of vegetarian food that was nevertheless once alive). once approved, tofurkeys must rigorously study a language. those who study english are sent to either the northeast or california, where most ameriveggies reside. once they complete their migration, around the end of november, they are promptly skinned of any exterior non-tofulike characteristics, and served to the unknowing public.
johnny finkelstein was raised a jewish tofurkey. as he migrated to america to complete his final life task, he tried not to travel on saturdays.
by sincerely, ruthie pwns September 30, 2005
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