5 definitions by sid vicious

(1)simple plan-simple minds. A band whom are wannabes. Sound crap. Are whiney. Fans are either teenyboppers 'like omg ya simple plan' or some kid who wont shut up about how his/her life sucks.. yada yada yada.
(2) a plan/ scheme that is simple.:|
(1) Oh have you heard that simple plan song, called shut up? Ironic wouldnt you say? they should 'shut up.'
(2) aha! i like it! what simple plan, hmmm could work...
by sid vicious November 1, 2005
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Robert has a driver,maid,and a butler,so therefore we can coclude that he is rich,or a capitalist if you prefer
by sid vicious December 23, 2003
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it means a person who is a scrooge, or a stingy mean bastard, that everybody hates, and cant get any favors done from.
jeez that guy is such a khadus!!! ruining everyone's fun!!
by sid vicious January 10, 2005
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justa bout everybody who placed a definition on here is a fuckin game nerd who will never get laid.
by sid vicious July 30, 2004
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