2 definitions by shreyshreynair

when someone harasses you in ln life but they dont stop and you cry and cry because the sad reality is that you have no friends and you just sit in your room the entire day working on a fricking AI program knowing its not gonna work and knowing that you are going to fail in life and you cry
by shreyshreynair March 3, 2019
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when someone bullies you and they dont stop so you scream this and they still hurt you and you cry and cry because the sad reality is that you have no friends and that you have no life and that you just sit in your room playing fortnite and your not even good at it and you are failing in life and know that you wont amount to anything more than a failing streamer and go to bed each night thinking: what if i stood up to that bully? and your conscience tells you to shut the f*ck up. you are a sad person
Bully: *bullies*
Nerd: why you bully me
by shreyshreynair March 3, 2019
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