195 definitions by shawn b.

If I fail this test, I'm fragged.
by shawn b. March 31, 2003
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How many points you have so far in a game or sport.
Announcer Dude- We are at the 23rd Annual Archery Contest. The Undefeated Champion, Shawn B., is going against Monkeylegs McSlaughsson for the Pallas Trophy. The score now is 36-8, with Shawn B. in the lead.......
by shawn b. May 9, 2003
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A small bird that makes a good pet. They are cute, (usually) sweet-tempered, and inexpensive.
Parakeets also make the oddest noises:
by shawn b. October 13, 2003
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The only woman in Lupin's gang. She seems to be the jack of all trades of Lupin the 3rd; she is always either planning the next heist or out getting supplies. Fujiko also tends to seduce men into doing whatever she wants them to do.
by shawn b. June 6, 2003
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A stupid primate who swings from trees, shoves berries up his butt, and flings his poop at people.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! the dumb monkey bit my nipple off!
by shawn b. June 4, 2003
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One who used to be famous/popular, but isn't anymore. Used to descride singers, dancers, supermodels, etc.
Most Hollywood has-beens are often seen on late-night TV, hawking cheap products that break 0.000000000000000000005 seconds after you get them.
by shawn b. May 22, 2003
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