11 definitions by shasssssssshaq bj quick

a universe that is made by the lorb
The lorb is in control of the worlb
by shasssssssshaq bj quick July 9, 2016
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a universe that is made by the LORB
The lorb has power over the worlb
by shasssssssshaq bj quick July 9, 2016
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A member of a group of hoolum criminals.
The ganbler shoots at the cops and run on foot.
by shasssssssshaq bj quick September 7, 2016
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I look like a true thuurg on the court when I play basket ball some people call me shack junior.
by shasssssssshaq bj quick February 24, 2017
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A group of persons or hoolum criminals that gamble and clubbing and does street business around the city.
The ganble is taking over the streets and the clubs.
by shasssssssshaq bj quick September 6, 2016
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