1 definition by sexy chica 88

Cutting is usually the result of when a person that has a problem, usually that problem is that they lost a person close to them, and often doesn't know what to do. So the easiest thing for them to do is grab a sharp object and find somewhere on there arm and just let out all that pain. Most may say that an "Emo kid" may do it to themselves. WELL THATS A LIE! I am a person that has lived through it and often times it felt really nice and every time I did it it was the best thing that i had ever felt. But I later learned that the reason why i did it was that i lost a person. That made me realize that with one wrong flick of my wrist I could be dead. But that is all that i want to do, is die. It may seem odd but true. Most of the time you will find that you have this same thought. Well not most but some. and trust me the term "The fist cut is the deepest" it is true. But sometimes when that blade hits your skin you cant think its like your body runs only to do that. and trust me it is like an addiction. kind of like herion to Nikki Sixx, it was hard for im to quit yet here he is sober for more then five years. so trust me you dont want to underestimate the ability of one cut
i cant think of any for cutting
by sexy chica 88 January 17, 2009
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