1 definition by sammi the shoppoholic

A “VSCO” girl is usually a tween to teen white girl has a million scrunchies and always wears them over their messy bun. They also wear oversized tee shirts to the point wear it looks like they have no pants, because their tee shirt is huge and their shorts are so short. They also live tube tops, and they love to shop at Brandy Melville. They usually for shoes wear slip on vans, Birkenstock’s, Crocs, or Air Force Ones. They cover their arms with friendship bracelets and pure vida bracelets, also wearing puka shell chokers. They claim that they want to “save the turtles and the ocean, but they really don’t give a fuck. They also claim that they love skateboarding and surfing, but they probably don’t even know how to do either. They have wildflower cases, along with a hydro flask covered in random color coordinated stickers from Redbubble or similar. They also love metal straws, because then they are “saving the turtles”. They love their AirPods, because they can listen to Billie Eilish. That’s when they are not playing their ukulele. They use Burt’s bees and Carmex all the time. They love to have sleep overs on their trampoline or old shed that has been renovated and strung with fairy lights. They take a ton of pictures with their Polaroid cameras, and edit them on VSCO. You will most likely see them in a white Jeep. You will know it’s them, because you will hear them saying things such as “sksksksksksk”, “spill the tea sis”, and “an I oop”.
Maria has turned into such a VSCO girl. She’s always telling me to help her “save the turtles”.
by sammi the shoppoholic August 24, 2019
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